Human Design provides us with a deep understanding of the underlying mechanics of our energy. It shows us how our aura functions in the world, our ideal strategy of life and from what place within the body we make the most aligned decisions to create our most magnificent realities.

Human Design was founded by the Mystic Ra Uru Hu and is based in a combination of different esoteric schools or systems such as the Chakra system, the I-Ching, Astrology, Kabbalah and the Tree of Life. Your Human Design BodyGraph is based on the time, date and place of your birth. The BodyGraph is like a unique map of your energetic blueprint, which shows your biggest gifts, personality, potential, shadows, keys to your health, relationships and prosperity. Above all it shows you your authentic pure energy in its unconditioned form.

To have the energetic knowledge about your pure core energy is essential in order to be able to let go of the false programs running in the background of your being.

The Gene Keys takes us on a deep journey into the 64 Gates and their Shadows, Gifts and Siddhis (Highest Spiritual Potential) that we all carry within us The Gene Keys is a vast ocean of deep spiritual wisdom. While Human Design is the map and structure, , then Gene Keys is the deep dive into that map and shines a light onto the path from the shadows and into our own highest expression of life. When you order your Human Design Reading you receive it within 2-3 weeks in your inbox.

You receive a report of around a hundred pages of your Human Design, weaved with your Gene Keys.

When you have landed and integrated with the information we book an online session where I walk you through the key parts of your Design and you can also ask any questions that you may have.

Human Design & Gene Key Reading:
1700SEK(incl. VAT)
100 pages PDF report on your Human Design och Gene Keys. + 1h online video session.
When you order your reading, I will send you a payment link where you pay by card via Stripe. I will then send you an Intake Form with questions that you answer and send back to me before I start your reading. If you like you can also mail me directly.