When we feel lost and scattered and weary… Know that your original essence is always there deep within you, but just below the surface, waiting patiently for your attention.

You are so much stronger and so much more brilliant than you know.

Know that you are never alone. We are all part of the great mystery of life and we are all a specific expression of God. You are needed, just as you are, as a valued part of the greater weaving of the Cosmos.


Human Design & Gene Keys

Readings & Coaching

A Human Design Reading provides us with the framework and mechanics of our energy, while the Gene Keys take us on a deep spiritual, inner journey into our energetic landscape. These systems together function as a map of your energetic blueprint.

Together they show you with great structure, detail and depth who you are in your undistorted, pure foundational essence.

Energy Therapy

Healing of the energy system

Energy Healing is required when we can not reach into and transcend the problem ourselves. Energy Therapy is a tool that allows us to go into the energy system, connect with the stagnated energy and transform it back into light and life force. This gives you more access to your true nature, your Soul and your gifts.

This is a deep and powerful process that is experienced directly often both physically and emotionally. This creates more space for deeper, inner connection, increased awareness, joy and freedom in all areas of life.

Life tends to magically align as our energy is purified and anchored.