Hedenlo Healing Arts has been brewing within me all of my life. I was very spiritual as a child and knew that I was a healer and “an angel”. I had mystical experiences that supported me through my suffering, and eventually the deeper meaning behind it was revealed to me.

Through the pain I was supported by a connection to a higher power, mystical visions and a deeper underlying knowing that everything was as it should be. It was all part of the greater unfoldment of my path and my returning.

Over the years I have connected deeper and deeper into my physical body and to this mysterious Planet Mother of the richest beauty, miraculous natural elements, hidden properties and dimensions.

I have come to realize that it is all about embodiment of the Soul Essence. And actually incarnating more fully into our physicality and into our earth. That is where the real magic and healing happens. That is the place of miracles.

I am naturally curious and take deep delight in unravelling the mystery of our existence here, our calling, evolution and purpose. There is nothing I love more than assisting another Human Being in their healing and returning to the Soul and Original Essence.

“We are all just walking each other home” – Ram Dass

I am here to take you by the hand and journey together within your energetic system to untangle it in the name of the liberation of your Heart and Highest Path Unfoldment.

I grew up with astrology which was an important part of my life as it really mirrored my essence back to me, and the Western version was the first system that I studied. I eventually transitioned into Vedic Astrology which very much deepened my understanding of the deeper soul and karmic aspects and for many years that was the only system that I used. Today I find combining the two the most enriching.

When Human Design entered my life it was love at first sight and after studying it for a few years I also dived into the transmission of the Gene Keys, which took me on a deep journey into the consciousness of humanity and face to face with my own gifts and shadows.

Human Design provides us with the mechanics and structure of energy and the Gene Keys allows us to plunge into the depths and embark upon our own inner spiritual “Heroes Journey”.

I am trained in various forms of Healing techniques, such as Energy Therapy and Energy Healing, Ortho Energetic Massage, Meridian Treatments and Mental Kinesiology. I have also studied the Human Ego-mechanics closely since about 2012.

Applying the unique Human Design BodyGraph into Energy Healing is an amazing tool to be able to work with the shadow aspects more directly, and anchor in the gifts with great precision.

Here’s to deep, personal and collective healing and returning to the Original Essence.